Professional Relations
Continuing education
Join us on Zoom for interactive distance learning with David Gano, MD. In our Vancouver and Chehalis, WA facilities, he treats significant and troublesome floaters using a special YAG laser. Dave has performed more than 200 of these procedures with good results.
Update on the Treatment of Vitreous
Floaters with YAG Laser (2 hours)
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
6:00 to 8:00 pm Pacific time
This webinar has been COPE-approved for 2 hours of credit.
Register Now
Professional Relations
Join us on Zoom for interactive distance learning with David Gano, MD. In our Vancouver and Chehalis, WA facilities, he treats significant and troublesome floaters using a special YAG laser. Dave has performed more than 200 of these procedures with good results.
Update on the Treatment
of Vitreous Floaters
with YAG Laser (2 hours)
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
6:00 to 8:00 pm Pacific time
This webinar has been COPE-approved for 2 hours of credit.