Professional Relations
Cyber Attack
In November PCLI was targeted by a cyber attack that shut down our phone systems, networks, and computers. Communication has been very difficult, and I apologize for the inconvenience this disruption may have caused you and your patients.
As the owner of PCLI, the first several days of this event were some of the worst in my life. But within a week, we realized God had prepared our organization in numerous ways to weather the storm. Since then, we’ve seen much more evidence of His providential guidance. Despite the difficulties, we’ve been able to continue providing care. And after several weeks of hard work, our team and industry experts have made incredible progress on data recovery and getting systems back online.
It will take more time for us to fully recover, but challenges like this strengthen faith and bring our team together. For that, I am grateful. I am also thankful to you for your patience and understanding.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact any of our offices with questions about patient care.
Bob Ford, MD
President and Owner